Why Do So Many Models Support Soacial Causes, So Why we Should Too?

Many fashion brands such as Good Society and Vaalbara are following this trend too. In this article, we tell you some of the unspoken benefits of supporting a social cause publicly.

Appear to be inspirational and attract followers

In supporting social causes such as that of saving the environment, battling mental diseases, saving the animals, not only do you make the world a better place but you also appear to be a more intellectual and caring person in the process. This immediately boosts your likeability factor and attracts and retains followers. Through your beauty and modeling, you can serve as an inspiration to other activists and people who feel for the same cause.

You may get unique and niche modeling opportunities

Take for example the recent New York Fashion week which made history by showcasing Hijab style fashion on the runway by Indonesian designer Anniesa Hasibuan. This definitely serves as inspiration for the Islamic dress fashion and ascends the social justice cause for this fashion. Hence, as a model, you should be supporting for unique social causes you may actually be opening up yourself to many potential opportunities.

Do good and feel good

In general, as the old adage goes, "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything." As a model, you can make your mark by supporting a good social cause together with your work in modeling. It will appear on your bio and your soul will feel satisfied as well. Modeling is a powerful tool and steers society by setting trends and removing social stigma.

Case Study: The newest 17-year old-Asian and Japanese model sensation

A new, young, and bold Japanese Asian model, Rina Fukushi, at just 17-years-old is making her stand in the runways of the major cities of fashion - Paris, Milan, and New York. Working hard, she has made it to the big brand names of Miu Miu and Marc Jacobs, giving top models such as Gigi Hadid a fierce competition. We extract some lessons and tips that apply to models in their modeling career.

She was scouted

Some of us get apprehensive at the thought of being scouted, or when someone approaches us with an offer. However, most of the top models in the world, including Rina herself, were once scouted before top clients in fashion noticed them. Hence, most talents and potentials that get scouted should be more willing to step into the industry of modeling.

Ideal personality despite shortcoming of body requirements

In an interview with AFP, she remarks, "I like myself and I have confidence. What is wrong about being Asian or Japanese?" She is both confident and soft-spoken with humility and the same time.

She looks up to professional models such as Kate Moss, and standing at 1.76m, she might not have the height for a supermodel, but she is certainly striving for the inner beauty of Kate Moss.

Fukushi adds, "When she wears clothes, they look fabulous," Fukushi says of Moss. "She has inner beauty and I think that is so important."

This message comes off with huge importance to models that may be resisting a successful career in modeling in the due to stereotypes of height, weight or body requirements.

She's Asian and Kickass

"I don't feel 'I am sorry for being Japanese'. If I am confident that clothes look good on me, people don't see anything wrong. So it doesn't annoy me."

She wears confidence on her sleeve and proudly declares herself to be Asian on the international stage. Vogue has described as "ultra-cool" and "eye-catching" and now definitely serves as an inspiration to many aspiring young Asian models.

In the matters of serving, it is wise and best to follow your heart. There are bound to be social problems or issues that impact or influence you. Figure out what you feel moved by the most, and stand up for it. People who feel the way you feel will naturally be attracted by you and become your ardent fans soon after. Use your beauty to your advantage!

It is important that Singapore models feel important regardless of their race, nationality, identity, and come to the realization that modeling has shoes for all sizes. Anyone with the passion can achieve limitless possibilities and we at, Create Talents and Models dedicate and help such talents reach the peak of their potential.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Rachel_Evan/2269200

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9639666

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