The Hyperborean Mythos Land of the Forbidding

the deep twilight once snow coated shrubs seem like ghosts, and wandering cervid seem like monsters, on the far side the cities and therefore the farmlands, the farthest regions of American state forests, and to the Canadian Arctic, nothing seems to seem in its right perspective; everything is too giant, too tall, too wild, too ugly, too far, too near, too fierce, so one ne'er sleeps relaxed within the wild of winter nights within the land of grey strangeness, within the land of the forbidding.

When the aurora seem, ne'er ar they the same, they, just {like the} cold forest wavers and shimmers like the symbolisation on a black flagged ship baffled. The Inuit's grasp the land and its recent legends. Its ghosts, death, for death is common during this place, do you have to build the incorrect, move, turn, step, choice, you need to accept its results.

With a bottle of strong drink, which is common in these out of the approach places, associated an odd heat involves the blood and inadvertently you slip away, the spirit leaves its long dwelling and isn't any longer cold or hungry, however you're dead all the same.

This strange land that points to the North Pole, wicked demigods battle for UN agency can take the shape of the bear, the wolf, UN agency can enter them to possess their spirits, once twilight. With them they bring illness, death to the living. The spirit demigods ar hid in wedges, have smart information of the area. They sit on rocks and wait. Foolish they'll be, however there they wait, change of state on seal skins, as they favor to pass the time.

The wolves grasp over any book can ever tell of the wild. To the wolf, darkness or lightweight of day, one and every one ar the same. They howl through the valleys and therefore the Ursus Maritimus, thank God he can swim, avoid the packs of wolves. The caribou, astray, are a quick mark for a pack of hungry wolves.


At such a twilight a thing accrued, a great wolf fell into a pit, one an Inuit dug, covered with twigs and moss, he had several stakes embedded into the bottom soil, however, somehow the wolf landed twisted all around the stakes, unhurt on the floor of the pit, but escape was impossible.

As I implied, death is common and the news of this wolf defeating death became a big news for the little Inuit fragment of a tribe of fifteen inhabitant, without showing its astonishment or giving comment to the beast, they freed him, they might have known some evil could befall them, but it didn't occur to Kayak (who was named for his love for the water).

What creature survives without the demon in him? Did not God send him to Kayak's pit for its execution? So a wise man from a nearby village had said to his pupils.

It was the evening of the second day of the wolf's freedom that one among the fifteen inhabitants of Kayak's tribe had died, left were the marks of fangs coming back from a stray wolf. Then the following day, another youth died, married person of 1 of the inhabitants of Kayak's tribe, her body lay lucid and ripped apart as she lay on a pile of skins she evidently had been operating with; her throat ripped to its cartilaginous tube.

On the third day, a brand new born was fond with its limbs chewed to its bones, and left for dead, thus, the tribe was currently twelve.

The wolf-devil, was a virile active creature, vast in size. ne'er did such a beast have such durable legs, and powerful spine, "He can die in day," aforementioned Kayak to his tribesmen, "I can dispatch him with my spear!"

And alone within the wild, that terribly night, he perceived the dark eyes of the wolf come upon his back, and in an exceedingly moments thrust, he was change of state through kayak's elbow, disconnecting the higher and lower elements, and consequently he born to the ground, prayed to his guardian angel, that his little son would survive.

The beast bent down lower as if to listen to his last words, his eyes appeared very wide to Kayak, and the wolf, with a human voice laughed. This fact no longer surprised Kayak, then suddenly, lightening hit the wolf, and its pelt was burnt to a rough brittle, and the animal sniffed his own hide, and died alongside of the Inuit. But before either one's last breath, Kayak heard the beast say, -as Kayak bent his ear close to the mouth of the wolf, and through the lips of the beast the demon whispered: "The bear is on its way."

It was said a bear killed every member but of kayak's tribe but one, whom this story comes from, it was Kayak's son, and the old man of the nearby village, told his pupils: "The devil and the wolf have grown up together they both like blood. Let them die together as they are playmates, do not disturb nature's plan!"

#5069/ 2-13-2016

Copyright © by Dennis L. Siluk 2-2016

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